Tag Archives: FBCJ

FBCJ House and Grounds


  1. House and Grounds Meetings

  2. Current open work order items

  3. Sprinkler layout

  4. Air Condition layout

  5. CO2 monitor

  6. Fire Lane, Parking Marking

  7. Toilet flush

  8. Facility Layout Drawing

  9. Building Original Construction Year 2000

  10. Building Phase 2 Year 2005

  11. Audio Visual pre-wire in original 2000 building

  12. LED Retrofit program

  13. AED

  14. Thermostat replacement program

  15. Hand Sinks in children’s area

  16.  Roof leaks Link out to details

  17.  Lawn Equipment

  18. Fire alarm info

  19. Baptistry Hot Tub controls

  20. Hot water heater

  21.    Roof service ladder

Link to this page:

1. House and Grounds Meetings

H & G Minutes, July 2021 house and grounds agenda
H&G Minutes for 71421
H & G Minutes,  Oct 20, 2021 (2)
H & G  Minutes, Nov. 17, 2021
Do we have notes from the December H & G meeting?
No Jan 2022 H & G meeting
H & G notes Feb 2022
H & G notes Mar 2022
H and G notes Apr 2022
H and G notes may 2022
H and G notes June 2022
H and G notes July 2022
H and G notes January 2023
H and G notes January 2023
H and G notes April 2023
H and G notes March 2023
House and Grounds Meeting Notes, Mar 6, 2024

2. Current open work order items

Here are the OPEN WORK ORDERS live sheet

3. Sprinkler layout

Church Sprinkler with heads  PDF file 11×17
Church Sprinkler with heads 3.pptx     

Hunter ICC sprinkler OM_ICC_DOM Hunter controller on the west wall, Key is in the mower shed, or the outside closet
Orbit Weathermaster rain sensor, bad reviews, it is in bypass mode

Issues as of Aug 2022

  1. 360 degree heads where 180 degree heads should be installed
  2. Small water leak below head z 12
  3. One head clogged zone 13
  4. Head broken
  5. Clogged head zone 7
  6. Clogged head
  7. zone 5 dead, . We cannot find valve.other issues.  Rain sense inop.
    north island and south island have patterns of dormant grass

here is the link to the water usage Google Sheet

4. Air Condition layout

Drawing Not Updated

Here is the link to the Google Sheet for Air Conditioners

Pharris Air – Haley – 214 762 2342


HVAC Technical                  Junior Morales   817-428-0124

TDIndustries, Denton,
Andy Heramb acct rep 817 304 6009
Tdi call center. Call tdi 800 864 7717
John with TDIndustries  scheduler 18172407599
Technician Alex 817 304 6009,

5. CO2 monitor

2 in the kitchen

6. Fire Lane, Parking Marking


7. Toilet flush

Here is the autoflush units installed on each urinal.

8. Facility Layout Drawing

FBC Justin Facility Drawing With Notes

FBC Justin Facility Drawing With Notes

Other Scans

9. Building Original Construction Year 2000 plans


This was done by Crone Engineering, evidently out of business.

Need scans

Here is the index for the 2001 drawings


IndexDrawing 2001 construction


10. Building Phase 2 Year 2005 plans


Here are the electrical plans from the 2005 expansion.


fbcjustinPlan2005_Mechanical     These are the large format prints from the architect:

Henry S Quigg, Richmond Group, 12200, Stemmons #317, Dallas, Texas 75234, Office 972.484.5977, Cell    214.244.8555





12.  Audio prewire


Need scan

12. LED Retrofit program


Denton Electric Service, Nathanial knows the GPS timers, wiring. Timothy, Front desk 9403871312

E-Exit signage

South Exterior lights

West exterior lights

4 foot fluorescent in Foyer
Bulb P/N
Tombstone P/N

Notes on exterior light controllers
Notes on the  South Lights south GPS light timer installation

13. AED

On charlas desk, batteries are back order.

14. Thermostat replacement program

Removed Honeywell

reset video

Installed SENSI model ST55, Snensi APP for thermostats: u media@fbcjustin.org p Media2737


Wiring notes for wall mounted thermostats

15. Hand sink children’s area

16. Roof leaks


details at http://toddheffley.com/wordpress/?p=11988







17. Lawn Equipment

Lawn care training topics




2 qts 10w-30


Zero: 74492 sn 407200497, engine


Blower Stihl BG86


18 Hot top east parking



18. Fire alarm info.




19. Door locks




19. Baptistry Hot Tub Controls.

Baptistry Leading Particulars

Relay Picker PC738-2C-024A0


this seems like direct replacement for the topside controller

HydroQuip | BAPTISMAL REMOTE BAPSIDE KIT | 34-0038D25-D HydroQuip $488.67


Coupling for the high level sensor is 400-5640

sensor is called HydroquipAFC2 Baptistry remote

20. Hot water heater


21.   Roof service ladder

OSHA seems to get interested in ladders above 24 feet.  Ours will be 8ft and 14 ft.


Height requirement: Before these standards were implemented, OSHA ladder fall protection standards applied to those taller than 20 feet. Now, ladders taller than 24 feet are required to follow the ladder fall protection regulations in OSHA standard 1910.23.