Category Archives: FARA

7TS0 runway marking discussion

I am proposing to use $700 to $1100 of FARA funds to add 4 displaced threshold  / usable width markings to the runway, change the color of 4 runway lights, and change the text on our AFD entry.
The proposal:
Add 4 markers to the runway, located at the first runway light on each end. that will “shorten” the runway in the AFD.
    1.  purchase approx 120 concrete squares, aprox
             12 in by 12in
             or a smaller number of 16 inch pavers                   200.00 – 400.00
   2. reflective concrete paint, glass bead mix                  150.00

   3. rental of small track hoe from ACE.                               250.00

   4. beads 2 16 oz bags                                                                   50 ea
   5. remove 4 existing white lights,
            install 4 red/green lights                                                   200.00
Also, we have discussed reducing the stated runway width in the AFD to 50 feet. Also we can state that the runway lights are a “nonstandard” 25 feet outside of the usable runway.
Heritage Creek (58T),  example: I propose that we do not light them at this time, until we can develop  flush lighting scheme.
Google Maps of the Heritage Creek  installation
 The past discussions on runway markings
I will be happy to perform the installation, as long as it involves power tools!
_____________________________________end 202 handout__________________
The Background:
We have had several ideas floating around about the marking the runway displaced thresholds, and concerns about the sides of the runway being uneven/unusable for high speed operation.
Issue number 1:  The runway thresholds must be marked as displaced to qualify for Public Airport classification.  If we remain private , we should still comply with markings as a good faith effort to promote safety. We have discussed schemes to mark the thresholds, but up to now we have not settled on one.
FAA letter reviewing grass runway marking (Grass Runway Markings_1984_ct84-11)…..  A little over the top. – Todd
My preference is to remain private,and place the markings anyway- Todd
Issue number 2.  The runway width is currently declared as 70 feet usable, although it is not marked.  An aircraft was damaged (nosed up?) when it departed the usable area at high speed a year or 2 ago.  Additionally, Advisory Circular ( RunwayMarkings_HardSurface_AC150_5340_1k_consolidated )   clearly states runway lights can be no farther than 10 feet outside the usable runway area.  We are more like 25 feet.  Again, we are not bound by the AC, but good practice would visually indicate the non-standard situation.
 The next aspect of this same issue is the access culvert that Haydens  have laid down to cross the bar ditch. This is technically outside of the “Runway” proper, but it will damage an aircraft if struck at high speed.  Again, I think the best route is to make clear what we are offering as “Runway”.
I have also suggested that Haydens fair in the entire ditch with gravel, say 20 feet north and 20 feet south of the culvert to allow even an errant aircraft to smoothly roll past the culvert at any ground track, at any speed. Ditto the lawn mowers.  Just mow right over it.  – Todd
Mark’s suggestion was to move the lights inward to the actual runway width:

Since our discussion, I have become firmer in my thought that moving runway lights inward is the best option.  Never mind a ditch digger will do the hard work, vice hand digging 3” deep squares to place concrete markers; but I believe there is no better way to mark the landable surface than to set out lights.  Lights have a height to them that concrete will not and they will mark the runway day or night.  If one needs to worry about hitting lights, then one must worry about flying into ANY airport with a lighted runway.  Hitting a runway light is a non-event.  It’s a pain to replace, but a non-event as far as airplane damage.  However, not seeing a flush concrete marker and hitting a concrete abutment is an event.  I hate to keep coming back to liability, but as we go public, we will all be liable if an accident occurs due to what will be seen as our negligence in not properly marking obstructions.  Never mind the airport facility directory, even a bad lawyer will make our lives miserable trying to defend what we did, or did not do.  

This is just my two cents. Let’s get the conversation going! – Mark Hagen

My objection to moving the lights inboard will increase the likelihood of a airplane striking a light.
X09 documents non-standard lights like this:
Runway edge lights: non-standard

– Todd

The airport “Heritage Creek”, identifier 58T,  just north of us has won the threshold marking contest. Airnav page (Here) (). Google map link (here) (Picture on approach attached).  (Video of the approach here) – Todd
Heritage Creek have  concrete squares forming L shape (2 feet by 7 Feet) painted white. This is identical to Haydens’ father’s airport (identifier X09). Google map link (here) Airnav page (Here).
Again we are not directly bound by regulations, because we can find no FAR, AIM, or DOT regulation  that shows how to “mark” a grass runway.
My proposal for this spring 2020 FARA meeting:
Install 4 concrete L shapes. 2 at each threshold. (3 feet legs by 9 feet long , just because bigger is better). They can be  positioned at the second runway light (Meeks/Rosell, and Hulme/Eppard).  This is well inside of the required displaced threshold. They can be in the runway area, only 60  (or 50 feet) feet apart, thereby visually indicating the usable width. This will allow us to make the adjacent runway light white on one side, and red on the other, for increased nighttime displaced threshold goodness. These blocks will be carefully leveled on cushion sand or the like.  The goal is to make them flush so that an aircraft can roll over them at any speed or direction without a problem.
Also, we have discussed reducing the stated runway width in the AFD to 50 feet. Also we can state that the runway lights are a “nonstandard” 25 feet outside of the usable runway.

Reflective paint optional

INSL-X TP222009A-01 Acrylic Latex Traffic Paint, 1 Gallon, Black 

Reflective Glass Beads (1 LB Bag) …Driveways, Airports, 
cost of concrete 28 squares 36x36x3. 1400.00
 paver  12 in x 12 in  ea X 30 per mark
Miniskid $215 day plus $50.00 36 inches
Excavator $285/day blade on front 5 feet
Bobcat $299 tire $315 track /day 5 feet wide
Paint, 4 gallons  $22.00 ea
beads 2 16 oz bags $19.00 ea



Old state of texas grass runway guidance

What are the annual purchases and chores for the FARA runway?



501 tax paperwork.




Fertilizer, Weed Killer Appendix D

Spot kill Dallis grass, Appendix B

2018 Spring VERY weak Rey growth until March.

2024 mar 8 , volunteer rey, spotty. First mow.



Blade/Harrow/Roll runway when Bermuda is sending runners

2018  Weed poison very effective at killing DEAD all weeds
except Dallis Grass. Bermuda is slow to encroach the dead areas.

IRS 990N form, paul crabtree, 817.444.5505


IRS 990N form due the 15

May Fertilizer Appendix E

Ant Killer, Worked well 2017

2019,  2200lbs of Rey was way too much. Thick Rey very hard to cut, and out competed bermuda until late june.

Spring Meeting

Cut runway short twice to weaken rye.

Obtain insurance for the next year



June 7 –  runway insurance expires


Mow grass taller because summer heat will  weaken Bermuda grass


2023 extremly dry.

MSMA Appendix c (we are not currently doing this)



2023 bermuda barely visible.  Some cracks.

Fall Meeting, Elect Officers,  Assessment

After Bermuda is weak, blade and harrow Runway, Plant rey (Justin S&F 4530.  Rey.) 2000 lbs

2017 application of dirt was successful at smoothing low spots.
It scalped the runway bare, and no rain from August to
Christmas and this caused very unattractive Rey growth.

fertilizer ?immediately after seeding?


Rachel advise 50lb per acre.  500lb.  Annual.

Mix with 25 5 5.   2000lbs.



Appendix A – Notes on fertilizer Weed Killer in March:

RUNWAY CARE by Don Pellegrino scan 2017-05-29

Appendix B – Spot kill with Round Up.

Wait until dullis heads are obviously developed.  Spot only 1 head in one in one area.  Do not kill multiple heads in one area.  That produces a large dead area, and Bermuda cannot overtake from the edges.  Only kill heads that have healthy Bermuda bordering. Do not use round up for driveways.

Appendix C –

Notes from Larry’s son: Apply MSMA 3 weeks in a row. OAT greater than 90 degrees.    Spot spray best.  Do not dose. Do not mix heavy. Do not spray heavy. This will weaken the Bermuda, and it should kill the Dallis grass. Mow 2 days after

I wonder if we should not even apply MSMA to the ditches?

Appendix D

Use a different weed poison each year.


Appendix E

Fertilizer,  2010 lbs 20-10-00 fertilizer, Justin Seed and Feed # f201000?

Appendix F

Terry bought ….Top Soil, Caballero 14910 FM156 $960 34 yards.

22 yards, 640

22 yards 640.





2009 05 15 item f201000 2010 lbs 20-10-00 fertilizer.

2009 03 18 2040 lbs item 162000 16-20-00 fertilizer.

2009 09 26.     4530.  Rey.



2010 04 01. 2140 lbs 16-20-00. Fertilizer

2010 09 21. 40bags,50lbs fey g10.

2010 09 17 2090 lbs item f

201010 fertilizer. $464


2011 03 25 2010lbs item F210714 21..07.14 fertilizer

2011 09 20  40bags.50lbs reyg11


2013 09 16 2100lbs F2100714  ?21-07-14 fertilizer.


2014 05 04 2020 lbs f210714 21-07-14

2014 03 14 2100 lbs 21-07-14




2015 10 21 2120 lbs 13-13-13 fertilizer 40 lbs rey.

2015 11 5 2.5 gal MSMA6 82.50




Fairview Airport Runway Association Meeting Minutes



Here is a zip with the originating documents for FARA.


They were part of the now deprecated

FARADocs FromFairviewAirportdotcom


I found this minutes on the old interwebs, not assured to be approved

040409_found Minutes

Here is a 2011, Source unknown

Here are the scans of the the minutes as filed in the Secretaries Box, “Meetings” folder.  Enjoy.








2016 Fall minutes accepted

2017 06 08 FARA_Minutes

Fairview Almanac


The Coldest month on average.

2005 Harrier Hawk seen @ South County Line Road. More


2005, Feb 15 Harrier Hawk seen @ South County Line Road.

2006, Feb 15, Record setting dry year, Rey grass JUST starts to green up.
2006, Feb     First Martin Scout heard.
2006, Feb 28, Bradford Pear at Robbins Blossums bright white



Mar 5 2022, First Geckos

Mar 15 2019..first small rat snake on the front porch.

Mar 10 2019 first rey grass cutting.  By Mar 21, rey is s thick as carpet.

2021 march 15 first frog


2020 mid march. runway fully green from left over rey from last year.

March 21 Vernal equinox

2021 March 21 first swallow

2005 Harrier Hawk seen @ 407 near Jesse’s

???March 15, Average Last freeze of the year?????

Mar 21 2019, first geckos.

Mar 22 2015 first barn swallow on front porch

2005 Martin Scouts Appear

March 19, 2006 First Barn Swallows on back porch

March 20 2022 first pair of barn swallow on front porch






2020 april 20 first June bugs.

Great Horned Owls mgrate through.

They have a VERY loud hoot, typically midnight to 5 AM.  Often they perch atop the Robbin’s house.

Male hoots two times, Female hoots three times.


First Agiape spiders hatch from egg sack.

June Bugs invade, followed immediately by toads.


June 21, Summer Solstice

Rye grass gone, Except north side shaded areas


July 11, 2023, cicada show up in numbers


Presides Meteor shower

Nighthawks active at dusk, diving, fluttering sound with wings


Last of the June Bugs

Sept. 21 Autumnal Equinox.

Rye grass appears, if seeded early.


Agiape spiders die.

Martins depart

Barn swallows depart

Toads retreat underground. (hibernate?)


Harrier Hawk active, cruise at 20 feet altitude in open fields.  More

<>        They Winter in central America, so we only see them for two short seasons as they pass through. Pointed Wing Tips, White band on body.

2004 note: I saw a Harrier Nov. 3 2004, Right on time.


?????average first freeze of the year????????????

Dec. 21 winter solstice