The low oil pressure indicator light works in two ways: it flashes continuously following a momentary loss of engine oil pressure, or it comes oN and stays oN with a complete loss of engine oilpressure.
When the engine first starts, before its oil pressure rises above 4.3 psi , voltage is applied to the closed and grounded engine oil pressure switch and the light comes oN to test the bulb.
With the engine running, voltage is applied at the WHT/BLU wire of the integrated control unit. With normal engine oil pressure, the engine oil pressure switch is open and the low oil pressure indicator light does not come oN. If the engine oil pressure switch closes momentarily (more than 0.5 seconds ) but then opens again, the YEL/RED wire at the integrated control unit will sense ground through the switch. The integrated control unit will then provide and remove ground for the low oil pressure indicator light through the YEL/RED wire. The light will flash oN and OFF until you turn the ignition switch OFF. The flashing feature will not work until 30 seconds after initial voltage is applied to the WHT/BLU wire of the oil pressure indicator flasher circuit. This delay keeps the low oil pressure indicator light from coming oN during engine warmup.
If engine oil pressure falls below 4.3 psi and does not increase, the engine oil pressure switch will stay closed. The low oil pressure indicator light will then come oN and stay oN.
“The oil light flashes when the oil PRESSURE momentarily drops below 4.3 PSI and will continue to flash until the ignition is turned off. If the oil pressure stays below 4.3 PSI, the light will be constantly illuminated.”