There are 4 immediate goals, plus the wishlist below.
1. Start projects from schematics, then generate, layout, and route PCB.
2. Show 5 pcbs, plus complex wire harnesses on 1 print, or set of prints, with appropriate interconnections that are responsive to changes in any schematic.
3. Generate wire list for harness that connects each plug, responsive to changes in schematic. These are wire “tables” that should follow the EasyEDA data.
4. Use improved part models. the following parts have no 3d render:
3 pole switch, 50 pin DSUB, rotary switch, test points
Current workflow disaster:
1. Open source cad to move from concept to complete project overview.

Easy EDA for individual pcbs using “artistic” layout. No schematic in EasyEDA.

Return to cad and manually generate interconnect harnesses.

SEPERATE visio file for water jet cut aluminum face.
SEPERATE dxf file for laser engraver.
Separate Abobe Illustrator file for face layout.

Separate Spreadsheet to build wire list to fabricate plugs and harnesses.

Separate Spreadsheets for BOM.
Separate shopping carts on DIGIKEY for separate circuit boards builds.
Other Goals:
DXF files for water jet based on above.
DXF files for placard engraver, based on above.
I understand that this list is not achievable in 8 hours of training, but I need to develop good work habits that push me is this direction.
The current project we are training for:
Ground Support Test Equipment for a corporate jet.
Box plugs in between the airplane and the flap controller.
92CA – PTU’s
92CB, – PTU’s
92CC – Slat Commutation/Temp
92CD – Flap Motor
92CE – Slat Motor
Layout, hand drawn.

example schematic

Below is the draft of the face layout for the breakout box.