Category Archives: AircraftTroubleshooting

How would you troubleshoot a HF radio?

most reliable troubleshooting will occur OUTSIDE, 50 feet or so away from the building.  APU running is preferable to a gpu.

does the darn thing work at all?

does the display light up

set up the audio panel correctly, do not transmit yet.

will it make white noise?

will it even make a pop when the on/off button is pushed

will it even make a pop when the cb is pulled and reset.

does the darn thing even receive?
    tune to WWVB
          5000, or 10000, or 15000, or 20000 or 25000
          can you hear the click/clack of the standard time transmission?
          listen for one minute.  can  you hear the voice announce the minute mark?
                  this is a VERY weak signal on Bermuda
          you can transmit from a known good airplane nearby.
this will be a extremely strong signal.
Transmit tests:
does the darn tuning capacitor work?
    tune to a unused frequency. 5432.1 for example.
    select USB
    be sure audio panel is set to transmit HF, rather than VHF.
    key the handmic for 1 second.
the display should flash for 3 to 15 seconds, then go steady.
    try a midrange freq like 15432.1, and a upper freq like 29876.1
does the HF transmit darn high power?
     after the unit “tunes” the tuning capacitor, you are ready to transmit high power.
     transmit via the hand mic.
          “TX” may appear on the display, depending on model of hf.
does the APU amp meter increase10 amps or more?
          do you hear sidetone in the headphones?
          a small cheap am radio sitting on the wing will blare out your transmission.
          supposedly, a 4 foot florescent light  bulb held near the antenna will glow.                 ymmv.
call new york radio for a radio check.
Land line number is 631-589-7272 to prearrange a HF check
Here is a PDF that give some AIRINC communications proceedures
old notes————————————————————————————————–

scan of a Cheat Sheet

and some old notes

Collins cedar rapids
Collins cedar rapids
316-946-4800 – Work
13312 usb for HF

try 8.918 for new york

8.939 USB for New Youk

also try 6577

also try 13297

Web Site for some suggested frequencies:


Try these for NY Radio from Bermuda






21964 kHz


Here is another PDF with some frequwency:




Which brand HF requires nitrogen n2 pressure in the power amp?


request a selcal check.

Here is the HF error code page for hf9000

This is Duncan’s trouble shooting SB guide for the 950

Consider the following:

  1. Is Service Bulletin (SB) 8 installed in the KTR-953 (Receiver Exciter)?
  2. Are SBs 9, 10, 11 and 13 installed in the KAC-952 (Antenna Coupler)?
  3. What is the distance (> or < 3 feet) between the mounting location of the KAC-952 and the KTR-953?
  4. What type of antenna (shunt or long wire) is being used on your aircraft?

The following is a list and description of relevant SBs:


SB 8: To reduce transmit distortion encountered when the KTR-953 is mounted in a different location (> 3 feet) than the KAC-952.


SB 9: To improve common mode rejection encountered when the KAC-952 and the KTR-953 are installed in separate locations.

SB 10: To reduce transmitter distortion when the KAC-952 is mounted more that three feet from the KTR-953.

SB 11: To prevent the failure of the power amplifier driver and final transistors.

SB 13: Mod 13 improves the tuning reliability of some shunt antennas.


KTR-953 SB 8 must be installed simultaneously as KAC-952 SBs 9 and 10 to achieve proper system operation and prevent possible unit failure. If SB 9 and 10 are not installed on the KAC-952, SB8 may cause damage to the power transistors that can cost in excess of $2400.

If the SBs are installed in the KAC-952 but not in the KTR-953, the system may not function properly by either not tuning or being intermittent in performance.

We highly recommend you comply with SB 11 due to its description and the increasing cost of the power transistors.

If you are using a shunt style antenna, Service Bulletin 13 in the KAC-952 should definitely be installed. In our experience the installation of SB 13 will not affect the performance when used with a long wire antenna.

Some other KHF-950 notes:

Remember the SB’s that are applicable to the Falcon 900 only

Bridging amp coaxes must be crossed

The coax at the receiver/exciter can be unplugged.  Insert a 10 or 20 foot test lead as a antenna

clean up all of the dual capacitor connections


What are the Common Extractor Part Numbers, terminal block part numbers, crimper part numbers?

Here is a quick guide that actually makes sense…… remember to use Connector Micro Tooling Systems in Arlington,,,,,, super nice



and here is the same sheet, reduced to the most common falcon extractor




Red and White Metal

Red and White Plastic



Here is the last order:

Syringe style:

2 each 455822-2,  ALTPN 206388-1 – $14.95, ALTPN R-5926(Jonard), . Cheap Amp white

2 each 305183  – $12.25,  M style , Type 1, 2 or 6 Extractor for Tyco/amp CPC round connecor, 18-20. metal tube,plastic body
1 each Red Daniels canon Syringe, Daniels MS24256R200 each Red Daniels canon Syringe
Plastic wrap around style:

15 each Red/Wht  plastic pn M81969/14-02 

15 each Red/Wht Metal M81969/1-02 

0 each Grn/Red plastic

0 each Blu/Wht plastic

0 each Blu/Wht metal

10 each Grn/Wht plastic M81969/14-01

15 each Grn/Wht Metal M81969/1-01

5 each Red/Orn plastic M81969/14-10

5 each Yel/Wht plastic  P/N M15570-22-1 


Tweezer style:

2 each Red  astro M81969/8-06

0 each Green

Forked Devil style:

0 each Collins P/N 359-0697-020, made by daniels


Double wide relay exctrator CTJ-R12





red terminal blocks in Falcon 50


Contacts small  pn 1841-1-5622 or alternate 100060-56 deusch


Strippers for tefzel wire


Dakota electronics San antonio.


Small and large green



Molex syringe new pn 2063388-1


Small deutsch relay extractor. T.E connectivity M6106/31-001. Not available.