Smallest incoming squawk I can write is:
Intermittent disconnect of both AFCS’s. VERY intermittent, in the air. most of the time a C/B re-set will bring one AP back.
On the most recent problem on the ground, the MT would engage either side, but YD engage would immediately cause AP FAIL. That was followed by a RUDDER NOT CENTERED message. for an old set of codes after a encounter with wake turbulence. The only significant part of that deal is ” RUDDER MONITOR FAILURE B11 – run tests 1 and 5″ but that may still just be response to the wake turbulence.
Current, Clean, Menu 98 “Flight Fault Summary” codes not available for operational reasons.
San Antonio 19 feb 2014.
On 2 out of 10 system power-ups, the RAFCS failed ,
and the Menu 99 summary revealed:
I can duplicate this on the ground, if the engines are not running.
After all the dust settled this turned out to be a YD servo that would run in the extend direction OK, but it was intermittent in the retract direction.
If Hind Sight Was Foresight….you can actually see the problem in this picture
with the rudder pedals centered, after 2 or three AP YD servo tests, the rudder would end up an inch or so out of center.