How do I come to terms with Fault Codes in a SPZ-8000 for F900?

Here is the simple break-in to get the codes:


If you pull the breakers in the air as a matter of troubleshooting, the codes are lost!

If you land and power down airplane, the codes are lost!

Flight Fault summary must be performed after aircraft lands, before power is turned off.
YD and MTRIM must be dark.
At the copilots left elbow in the engineers Panel.
There is a Bat Handle switch labeled “AFCS TEST” or some such.
Select it up.
The ID802 panels will self test.
Then , When they are finished you should see “01 – FGC TEST?” Do NOT perform the test now.
Instead, push the LAFCS button which in this case acts as a “Previous Screen” button.
A few screens back, you will get to “98 – FLGHT FAULT SUMMARY”
Push “RESET” to get to the flight fault screen.
That should show the codes for the LEFT computer.
Take a picture of that screen.
Now press reset again.
That should show the RAFCS faults.
Take a picture of that screen

Here is the Spreadsheet that unwraps the Hex code to plain english…. or as plain english as a Honeywell engineer can make it.


This one runs under Libre Office:

SPZ-8000-Flight-Fault-Summary   .ods



This one runs under excel:

SPZ-8000 Flight Fault Summary


SPZ-8000-Flight-Fault-Summary – this one is from Augusta


here is an example fault code



Plain Text trouble shooting book:


Falcon 900 DFZ TS Guide

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