This will force it each item to start on a new line when using the log book labels.
You need to use the separator: \n
This is set in View > Preferences > W/O & R/O tab > Log Book tab > “Label Separator”.
how do I clear out excessive STORED discrepancy text
You can remove the action items by going to View menu > Action Items > (make selection). If you wanted to delete ALL action items for all parts of EBis, you can do this from the Admin Menu > Data Admin Functions > Delete All Action Items.
why can we not have RTS statement on “Maintenance Printout”
Currently the maintenance printout was not meant as a final printout, so there is no statement that can appear on it. The log book labels & the customer invoice were meant to show the actual statements.
Unfortunately the page 1 of x cannot be removed.
As far as limiting their access to the action items, please uncheck the edit action items option in their user account (please see attached). Please let me know if you have any more questions or if I can further assist you.
Eric Baal
President of Technology & Development
DatcoMedia, LLC.