1. Before you do anything, order the FAA registry disk. 10 bucks. That gets every 337 that has ever been filed.
2. Starting from DAY 1……. fill in this spread sheet. F50EX_284_ModList
3. Bounce list off of the 337’s in the AFM. Sort out differences, add 337’s to the file as required.
Accurately fill in every mod that requires a AFM SUPPLIMENT . Hard copy the missing ones, populate the AFM supplement section.
Determine what mods require repetitive ICA. Bounce that against CAMP schedule.
Determine which mods require a manufacture’s hand book , accessible to the pilot. Find paper copies, and scan, Surf the web for public ones, determine which are outdated. compile a complete PDF collection, add to aircraft IPAD or whatever. Organize cockpit paper copies in some reasonable way.
don’t stop until:
EVERY MOD is accounted for in a clear way so that a PILOT can understand how the airplane is equipped.
The cockpit information is complete, paper and/or digital, so that a PILOT can quickly get to it.
The ICA for every mod are organized so that a mechanic not familiar with the airplane can determine what repetitive work is required.
Gets exponentially harder as dealing with older aircraft.