Aeronca Champ N82258


Aeronca 7AC Champion “Champ” N82258 S/N 886

The Aeronca Aircraft Corporation (AERONauticalCorperation of America)  Produced 7,200 of 7AC “Champs” in 1945 to 1948.  Derivative models are still produced today, as late as 2024.

The 7AC is a sought after antique, with thousands of flying example still airworthy.

The Heffley Family airframe is a Model 7AC, powered by a  Continental A65. Superior cylinders were fit during the rebuild.

  • Wingspan of 35 ft
  • Height of 7ft
  • Length of 6.55 21ft 6in
  • Cruise speed of 85 mph
  • Rate of climb of 370 ft/min




Recent Past:

Aeronca N82258 in various states of disrepair, during the term of a  8 Year restoration:






This is what happens when the paint process goes horrably wrong. This is the result of not sanding the primer after the last cote of primer. This video shows the paint peeling right off. We followed the STC exactly, and applied the first color coat over the last primer coat with no sanding. This is not wise, as we now know. Airtech markets its product as process that requires little sanding. While it is true that you are not required to sand as as much as Stitts, it still requires the coats to be “scuffed”.

The Ailerons, and Elevators/Stabilizers, (not the rudder) installed on a spit for painting.

We built a paint booth (Larger) from discarded metal studs and plastic sheeting. The intake is a 24″x24″x1″ AC filter with a box fan. (lowerLeft corner of the picture). The outlet is a filter connected to 1/4 of a LARGE cooling fan.  This evacuates the booth, as well creates a draft in the hangar that cause overspray to go west out the doors. Interestingly, the outlet fan filter FILLS up every time we paint. No overspray anywhere in the hangar though……


These are the cable fairleads

that will provide a cosmetic closeout for the rudder cables as they exit the Fusalage  under the stabilizers.

This is the wing installed on the completed spit (larger). Copied from a comercial design, The rollers (larger) are metal lawn mower wheels with the tires cut off. The hoop is 1/2 inch electrical conduit bent with a conduit bender.
The wing spit is a complete success, allowing the wing to be coated fully on both sides without a 1 day wait for paint to dry. If we had to do it all over, 1″ conduit would have been stronger.  Also, the rollers could have been lower, allowing the wing to be 3 inches lower to the ground.

Here is a Sectioned (larger) gear oleo and strut.  We used this for a reminder of how all the parts came apart!
The Gear Case Frames almost ready to paint.  We included the tabs for the snare cables, even though the AD is complied with……


This press ended up not being required, as the gear did not need to be “Pulled” apart.


We disassembled one brake at a time, as they are quite complicated.  Brake OutsideAssembled,   Inside Exploded.


Here is the Fuselage before (Larger) Powdercoating, and one picture after (Larger) powdercoating



Later in the process: